Thanks, guys. I appreciate the support! : ) On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 7:35 AM, Aaron Caffrey <> wrote:
On 21/04/15 at 09:10am, Francis Gerund wrote:
But reading is not always the most efficient or even the most effective learning modality. Often, just asking questions is the best way to promote knowledge transfer.
Hello Francis,
I have never inteded to discourage you or hurt your feelings. I saw that you have posted couple questions in the mail list that can be 'copy and paste' answered by your favourite search engine.
Also I learnt that you have been using some other gnu/linux distribution that has taken the learning curve provided by the command line in favour of GUI applications.
If you asked yourself 'what is reponsible to start processes during a system startup' you would come down to the init system which in this case is systemd. And from here you can ask your favourite search engine the following 'how to start a service in systemd' and you'll get the answer. The emotional feeling that you have semi-solved similar issues is undescriable and awards you with knowledge.
Read magaznies, I can suggest only as it is free to download and distribute.
Best regards, Aaron Caffrey