makechrootpkg copies files to "$uniondir/build" after chowning the directory. This means those files are not owned by nobody. This yields to failure when the files are supposed to be dynamically edited. A common use-case is when we build from git or svn and we want $pkver to be upgraded dynamically. Signed-off-by: Nezmer <> --- makechrootpkg | 3 +++ 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) diff --git a/makechrootpkg b/makechrootpkg index 1d2282c..9e36f10 100755 --- a/makechrootpkg +++ b/makechrootpkg @@ -200,6 +200,9 @@ if [ -f "ChangeLog" ]; then cp ChangeLog "$uniondir/build/" fi +# Make sure "$uniondir/build/*" owned by nobody before we start building +chown -R nobody "$uniondir/build" + if ! grep "^nobody" "$uniondir/etc/sudoers" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "allowing 'nobody' sudo rights in the chroot" touch "$uniondir/etc/sudoers" -- 1.6.6