Hi, a wireless USB dongle mouse, as well as a wired USB mouse could suffer from USB energy saving. Once a power saving mechanism considers that USB is idle, a remote wakeup is required. Either an idle-delay time setting might have changed or some software without a power saving mechanism now has got such a thingy. It doesn't sound like a battery issue of the used mouse, more likely some idle detecting thingy changed or was added. I experienced the same issue many years ago and got rid of it by removing some laptop related package from my non-laptop desktop Linux PC. IIRC it was a desktop environment update on an Ubuntu install that caused the issue. Nowadays I don't use desktop environments anymore, neither for my Ubuntu nor for my Arch Linux install, I'm just using a window manager. However, the culprit not necessarily is some desktop environment laptop feature maybe e.g. a driver changed. Regards, Ralf