waldek wrote:
Dnia sobota 13 czerwiec 2009 o 09:50:47 Thomas Bächler napisał(a):
Magnus Therning schrieb:
Is there a good HOWTO on making syslog-ng create files with owner:group other than root:root? I'd like to make it possible for some users to read the logs in /var/log.
Any good suggestion for an already existing group to use? I was thinking of either log or wheel, any thoughts? syslog-ng uses root:log in its default configuration. If it doesn't check /etc/syslog-ng.conf.pacnew and see if the log group exists for you.
interesting, it did not work for me. in the /etc/syslog-ng.conf there was:
and syslog-ng ignored this setting, I changed it to:
as specified in the man page and it works fine now.
Yes, same here. There should be a bug raised I guess. If no one beats me to it I'll raise on tonight. /M -- Magnus Therning (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4) magnus@therning.org Jabber: magnus@therning.org http://therning.org/magnus identi.ca|twitter: magthe