Hi David, Am 13.10.2016 um 11:35 schrieb David Runge:
Hi Peter,
On 2016-10-13 08:37:13 (+0200), Peter Nabbefeld wrote:
I've got problems with bluetooth (service does not start), which seem to be caused by systemd problems, as several services are "dead".
you might want to check the log output of those services then.
Output of info --test´ is at https://dpaste.de/LC2h
That's not very helpful (especially now that the formatting is gone) or specific (enough).
This pastebin is a bit tricky: The "text" output format shifts everything to the left. If You klick on "View raw", it's correctly formatted. However, I now noticed there's a direct address to the raw, formatted data: https://dpaste.de/LC2h/raw
Try (as root):
systemctl --all --full |grep failed
to see which services failed.
No results shown. Tried with systemctl --all --full |grep "not-found" then, gettings these results: apparmor.service auditd.service display-manager.service iscsid.service plymouth-quit-wait.service plymouth-start.service syslog.service As these are not found, I guess these are outdated and should be removed. "systemctl disable" does not work, as the services itself don't exist - how can I remove those sevices from systemd?
Kind regards Peter
Best, David