1 Apr
1 Apr
4:13 p.m.
Op 1 apr. 2017 17:14 schreef "João Miguel via arch-general" < arch-general@archlinux.org>: Hello, I have some unofficial repos added in pacman.conf, and at times use ABS and the AUR, so I often get messages like this: # LANG=C pacman -Syu ... :: Starting full system upgrade... warning: udevil: local (0.4.4-2) is newer than community (0.4.4-1) ...(10 messages from unofficial repos)... You could use basic shell redirection; pacman -Syu 2>&1 | egrep -v "is newer than" The example uses egrep because that is easy with multiple patterns (seperated with pipe symbols). For real ease, test a few cases, then make a function of it. Mvg, Guus Snijders