The package installs and is not functional. Why it's not functional is the package is missing .config/vlc/vlcrc so vlc has no clue how to do anything on a linux system. If a way exists for command line users of vlc to cause vlc to make a vlcrc file even if basic that would be a good addition to the vlc documentation on the archwiki. For whatever reason I couldn't get vlc-nox to install on this system error exit 4 manual intervention is needed. Was this manual intervention documented on arch-announce? I'll check the saved messages from that list to find out later. I have a vlcrc file I got from a contact on another list and found the vlcrc file I have enables vlc to work correctly to the extent I've used vlc so far. The vlcrc file I have is 83k in size so I can understand why videolan either omitted the documentation on how to build one of these ourselves when vlc is missing a vlcrc file or I didn't do a good enough web search with ddgr to find the documentation. -- Jude <jdashiel at panix dot com> "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order." Ed Howdershelt 1940.