The day was 07/11/10 23:58 when Heiko Baums had this to say......:
* The crontab from dcron and fcron are not compatible. So fcron cannot be a simple drop-in repalcement
What are the differences? I didn't need to change anything when I switched from fcron to the new dcron. If I had to change a bit it was so easy, that I can't remember anymore. The only thing which has changed was the command to edit the crontab. It's crontab for dcron and fcrontab for fcron. But for such changes an announcement can be written in the News section of the website, in the mailing list and in the package's post_install(). See the latest xorg upgrade.
And Florian's suggestion was not about removing dcron from the repos, but only to change the default cron daemon, which is installed without the user's interaction during installation, from dcron to fcron. So only new installations would be affected by this change anyway.
* Some users might prefer dcron; simply replacing it is just not how we roll. People are free to install fcron if they like.
I personally haven't seen big differences between fcron and dcron from the administrator's point of view.
I've just switched to fcron, it's not a straight drop in AFAICT but not exactly hard. * crond needs changing to fcron in rc.conf DAEMONS * You'd need to backup/copy over your crontab from dcron over to fcron as it either overwrites the old on or uses one from a different location. (dcron syntax is working fine in fcron though) * crontab cmd is a little different (as the install msg tells you) If (big if i know) the default cron is going to be swapped out, the only thing i would suggest is warning in advance so people can backup crontab. +1 from me though for swapping, fcron looks a lot better/more versatile to me a humble user! Simon