On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 1:37 PM, arnaud gaboury <arnaud.gaboury@gmail.com> wrote:
Now: * Populate the iptables FORWARD chain to route traffic from your physical interface to the bridge and back.
I missed totally this part of the setup. I must admit this topic is a little bit new to me. Will try to go this way.
The more I read and try with various set up, the less I understand and the more I break my container :-( I first managed to solve this empty /etc/resolve.conf by using /etc/resolveconf.conf facility. But now, on the container, with the netctl and network files cited before, I can not connect to network anymore. *The weird part is that inside the container, the "$ ip addr " command does not return br0, but only lo. No idea why. * Then, when testing various kind of netctl profiles, I remarked using a static IP in my bridge profile breaks immediately the connection to network on host. At first, I thought it had to do with my empty /etc/resolve.conf, but nada. This file stays now correct. So I am now with 24 hours of more work and a broken network on container! Nice job.