Hi, I've been looking for getting a dark appearance to lxqt, and so far the closest is through qt5ct color schemes specified through *.conf little files under qt5ct, somehow documented here: [1] https://www.pcsuggest.com/lxqt-dark-style When using the breeze color scheme provided by [1]: ++++ [ColorScheme] active_colors=#eff0f1, #31363b, #4c545c, #40464d, #171a1c, #2a2e32, #eff0f1, #ffffff, #eff0f1, #232629, #31363b, #111314, #3daee9, #eff0f1, #2980b9, #7f8c8d, #31363b, #000000, #31363b, #eff0f1 disabled_colors=#6e7175, #2e3338, #4a5259, #3e444a, #16191b, #282c30, #65686a, #ffffff, #6e7175, #212427, #2e3338, #101213, #2e3338, #6e7175, #234257, #404648, #2e3338, #000000, #31363b, #eff0f1 inactive_colors=#eff0f1, #31363b, #4c545c, #40464d, #171a1c, #2a2e32, #eff0f1, #ffffff, #eff0f1, #232629, #31363b, #111314, #224e65, #eff0f1, #2980b9, #7f8c8d, #31363b, #000000, #31363b, #eff0f1 ++++ There's no contrast at all between active and non active tabs on multi-tab applications, pretty noticeable in qt5ct itself and qterminal... Is there a way to get such color scheme files to choose from? Also, is there some specification of what each of the 20 colors specified per active/disabled/inactive ones is supposed to mean? The inactive and active ones are pretty similar, except for the 13th color, not sure if some more should change. The disabled one is of course more different, :) I'm not looking for the inactive colors to be similar to the disabled ones, just a bit more of contrast than what I see, which is no difference on tabs or even buttons... Thanks, -- Javier