2012/7/12 Thomas Bächler <thomas@archlinux.org>:
Am 12.07.2012 17:34, schrieb andrea crotti:
Ok thanks, I'm trying now but the vanilla kernel doesn't compile. Looking around in the forum it appears to be the gcc version too new and I'm installing gcc 4.5, let's see if I get it working..
Did you use the latest version (as in:
No because I should use Anyway I managed to compile it with gcc-4.5, but now I get a kernel panic when trying to boot, might be still something missing I just compiled with the default config and didn't create the initramfs, but I'm not using LVM or other fancy things and the root fs seems to mount correctly.. It seems to not store anywhere the log about the kernel panic though, which makes it harder to understand.. I might just give up and use something else, or otherwise is there a way to run another kernel in a running system (in a sort of chroot?)?