Mauro - Could I please quote you verbatim in a post on my personal website? It' gets very little traffic and so there's nothing really for you to gain, but I simply couldn't write anything better and feel that your quote summarises my own view on the news. The address is - please let me know if it's okay and whether you have a website address or any specific information you'd like me to include. I'd typically link to the mailman archive page for this thread. Thanks very much, sorry if I've drawn your attention away from something more important. Regards *Kind Regards,Lee Fuller* *PGP Fingerprint <>: * 4ACAEBA4B9EE1B3A075034302D5C3D050E6ED55A On 19 August 2016 at 15:28, Mauro Santos via arch-general <> wrote:
On 19-08-2016 14:27, Stephen E. Baker via arch-general wrote:
As a PowerShell user, it certainly has it's place, but it's place is pretty niche in the linux world, so +1 for the AUR.
Given that it comes from Microsoft they must have some agenda to fulfill, I'd rather not touch this even with a 10 foot pole, just like I try to stay away for other MS products as much as I can. The AUR is where it should stay, but even then they can spin it as PR fodder just like canonical spun snappy coming to Arch Linux.
Make no mistake, they are after profits and do whatever it takes to keep the money flowing, all their friendliness to linux and open source is tainted with patent attacks behind the curtain. The next time the leadership changes there is no guarantee that this new found friendliness isn't going to change.
-- Mauro Santos