23 Jul
23 Jul
5:21 p.m.
Em julho 23, 2018 14:14 David Rosenstrauch escreveu:
Makes some sense. I'll take a look on my router and see if perhaps I'm inadvertently blocking some ICMP packets.
That said, one thing doesn't quite seem to fit with this explanation:
Why would "curl -6 ipv6.google.com" while "w3m -6 -dump ipv6.google.com" fails?
I think what you have experience with the CTRL+C thing you saw is regarding how each program treats their buffers. Sometimes programs don't flush and when you send it SIGTERM they flush the buffer. Secondly, you might be hitting different routes at times, although that would point to an even larger issue at your ISP. Regards, Giancarlo Razzolini