On Mon, 23 Jan 2012 18:08:56 -0600 C Anthony Risinger wrote:
http://stackoverflow.com/a/1561245/404019 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bcrypt
... i can't find any literature suggesting sha512 decreases your security, and no reason to bother switching. both are good solutions.
Certainly not worth the effort to me right now, you might be interested or already know about this though. "http://www.openbsd.org/papers/bcrypt-paper.pdf"
`man pam_unix` will give you a good overview of PAM, simply because it's the primary module responsible for traditional, file-based login. in a nutshell, PAM looks at the requester's name (the binary), loads a config with the same name from /etc/pam.d/{name}, and finally pipes your activities through each defined modules in four groups:
Thanks for the info. I find it time-consuming to see what is allowed and prevented with udev, pam and dbus, polkit etc.. With sudo for example, it is easy. -- Kc