17 Mar
17 Mar
8:59 p.m.
Op 17 mrt. 2014 19:25 schreef "message" <letter@openmailbox.org> het volgende:
A previously existing /home directory was mounted into the file system
during the installation process; this directory contained files in a directory 'a'.
A user was created from the root user account:
useradd -M -p [password] -s /bin/bash [username'a']
After reboot, the system is restarted as root because the user 'a' is
stated to not exist. The command 'cat /etc/passwd' reveals a password 'x', but this is not the password that was entered.
How to solve this error?
My first guess would be that the newly created user has no permissions on "his" homedirectory. A quick ls -l /home should reveal this. mvg, Guus