On 13 February 2014 13:35, Paul Gideon Dann <pdgiddie@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thursday 13 Feb 2014 14:21:36 ushi wrote:
Am 13.02.2014 13:04, schrieb Paul Gideon Dann:
Hello all,
Does anyone know of any standard system for receiving notifications from systemd for unit state changes? I currently use Monit for the monitoring of many processes, and it'll e-mail me when things happen (e.g. a process was restarted). Since switching to systemd, it's felt a bit silly that for several processes, I'm having Monit monitor them simply because systemd is unable to tell me it restarted a unit. Monit isn't actually required to keep those processes alive as it once was, because systemd can do that.
Hey Paul,
Check out OnFailure=
[Unit] Description="HTTP Service" OnFailure=mail-root@http.service ...
The mail-root@.service is a generic oneshot service that mails you some stuff.
[Unit] Description="Mailer"
[Service] Type=oneshot ExecStart=/path/to/my/mail-script %i
[Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
And your mail-script is somthing like...
#!/usr/bin/env sh
systemctl status "${1}.service" | \ mail -s "Failed Service: ${1}" admin@example.com
See: http://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.unit.html#OnFailure=
Thanks ushi, that's certainly something. It looks promising for custom unit files, but not so great for catching unexpected unit failures. I'll definitely keep that one in mind, though.
You could use unit overrides[0] to add the OnFailure to provided units. So should be able to set it up for any service you are interested in receiving notifications for, I would assume. [0] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Systemd#Editing_provided_unit_files