On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:52 PM, David C. Rankin<drankinatty@suddenlinkmail.com> wrote:
On Wednesday 26 August 2009 02:13:32 am Aaron Griffin wrote:
We didn't install this, unless you installed vim-minibufexplorer via pacman. It's a 3rd party plugin and they are not part of the stock vim install
That's strange, because I haven't noticed the minibufferexplorer before, and I haven't done anything but pacman -Syu to install things lately. But you are correct, it must have been something that got installed a while back and I didn't encounter until just recently. I guess it became apparent after the syntax highlighting was fixed here in the last vim release. It's gone now.
My guess is this relates to the /usr/share/vim jumping around that was done in the last two packages. You somehow installed minibufexplorer when the path (and syntx) was broken, and when it was fixed, everything got restored