On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 12:42 PM, Chi Hsuan Yen <yan12125@gmail.com> wrote:
I mean, all python scripts should explicitly specify which python version to use rather than "python" only. However, the system default symlink is still necessary for invoking scripts. A system should provide a simple and stupid way for python users without enforcing the knownledge of different python versions. As python evolves, end users can still invoke python scripts without change their command lines. After all, such settings can provide a continuous and reliable environment. I need this workaround due to the convenience for building CyanogenMod. The correct way may be submit a bug report to Google, but, however, it's too long to get them all be fixed.
Well, in the meantime you can do what the PKGBUILDs do, and use sed -i 's:\(env[ ]\+python$\|/usr/bin/python$\):\12:g' to fix the shebangs automatically for each file needed. You can simply apply that to all *.py files, or if some of them specifically need python3 you can make a list of them and exclude them/add python3 to them. Obviously, the long-term goal should be to get that done as an upstream bugfix. -- Eli Schwartz