Hi list My name is Jerome Leclanche and this is my application for becoming an Arch Linux TU. Both Balló György and Sven-Hendrik Haase have encouraged me to apply, and Sven-Hendrik has agreed to sponsor me for the occasion. I am a French Python developer living in Stockholm. I work on FOSS both for my full-time job and in my free time, with my focus being on the LXQt project of which I am one of the lead developers (http://lxqt.org/). All my contributions are available on Github: https://github.com/jleclanche My main goal is of course to bring LXQt to [community]. I emailed Antonio Rojas about that a while back as he was also interested in this. I'm on my third year with Arch Linux and absolutely love the distro; been hanging around IRC and the community as jleclanche. This is my package list: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?SeB=m&K=jleclanche I have started the release process to get LXQt 0.9 out some time in January. I would really like to see it become available on Arch Linux at the same time =) Other than LXQt, I also maintain ruby-sass and its dependencies, which I would also like to move to [community] - although it is something I'd like to bring up with Anatol Pomozov first as he maintains a large array of Ruby packages himself already. I also saw that libfm and libfm-extra are currently orphaned there and since they are LXDE projects, I will happily pick them up. If any of you are going to FOSDEM, I will also be able to meet you there - I'd love to get to know the Arch community in person as well. Thanks for the great distribution and happy 2015 to everyone. I've kept this as terse as possible but I'll be happy to answer any questions. J. Leclanche