24 Feb
24 Feb
11:31 p.m.
Dear list, I run into the problem of outdated package "animate" contained in texlive-latexextra. With the current version of the package, xelatex is not able to embed animations at least when using png frames. At the contrary, pdflatex works fine. Replacing the /usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/animate/animate.sty with the version "2019/12/03" available upstream, that is, from CTAN [1], fixes the issue. I am now confused as what it's the best way to proceed, since I am not familiar with Arch's release cycle of texlive. Should I flag texlive-latexextra as out-of-date? Or is it better to file a bugreport? Suggestions welcomed. Cheers, Domanov [1] https://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/animate