On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 11:39 PM, C Anthony Risinger <anthony@xtfx.me> wrote:
for example, i modify several .service files -- even ones that are shipped upstream -- because they are pointlessly configured as `forking` when they could be much better integrated (ddclient, dhcpd, hostapd, SEVERAL unfortunately) ...
eg, in general, PID files are not needed anymore, and logs should go to STDOUT. so ... set the daemon to FOREGROUND, and DON'T redirect output (see man systemd.exec for stdout/err options, among others).
Please file bugs if you think there are errors. Sometimes "Type=forking" is the right thing to do. If the daemon is not socket/dbus actiavted, then Type=forking is the only way to know if a service has finished starting.
ExecStop=-/bin/kill $MAINPID
Hm, this should be uneccesary, no? If no ExecStop is configured the process will get a SIGTERM when the service is stopped. -t