Hi, The solution is to create the directory under /var which alsacrtl expects. I think it’s /var/run or /var/lock, but I don’t remember specifics and don’t have my machine in front of me at the moment. If you do that, alsactl store will work as expected. Best, Zack.
On Jul 6, 2016, at 9:58 PM, Jude DaShiell <jdashiel@panix.com> wrote:
I had been using it to install archlinux specifically talkingarchlinux. It mostly works ok until I do alsactl store and then I get a state lock error. As a result of this failure, I can finish up a talkingarch installation but on reboot, I have no speech on the system. Does a way exist I can clear this problem? The only reason I'm doing this is because the wifi network I had set up and working with netctl also died and I'm going to have to wipe the hard drive and reinstall talkingarch to clear this problem.