Great. And this is what I needed to know.
Many thanks and VERY best regards;
Bob Finch
The pdf only version is located here:
Arch is at page 21.
For a page it seems it is explaining how to boot the USB installation. The interesting part is about encrypting the home folder with dm-crypt.
The last part seems to be about installing the zen kernel from robertek with the acpi scripts. This is on the forum[1] or the wiki[2].
I'd like to read on the dm-crypt setup, but this is probably on the wiki already...
The PDF is too big to translate by google... :S
2008/12/7 w9ya <>> On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 2:24 PM, Johannes Held wrote:
-----Original Message-----
> Date: Sun, 07 Dec 2008 23:12:31 +0100
> Subject: Re: [arch-general] "ArchLinux on Eeee PC 901" in
> "freiesMagazin 12/2008"
> From: w9ya <>
> To: "General Discusson about Arch Linux" <>
> Any chance of a translatd version ?
> (Maybe not.....)
> Hey Folks!> [1]: [2]
> freiesMagazin 12/2008 [1] published an article about ArchLinux on
> Asus Eee PC
> 901.
> --
> Gruß, Johannes
> Täglich [3] und du fühlst dich gut.
> [4]
> Links:
> ------
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
the document is licensed under the FDL, so it is at least not forbidden
to translate it. The tone in some aspects very metaphorical, not always
technical-only, but I can try to translate the contents - but not today.
Give me a week or so.
Is there a broader interest in that?
The sad thing is that the website does not appear to use any automagical translation engine that an English reader can easily find. Heck I am not sure which link is the article in question. So I was merely wondering If there was such a thing available.
Well I certainly would NOT ask you to translate it yourself. I am merely curious about what it says. Perhaps someone can let the website owners that there might well be a larger audience if they included some way for English users to access their offerings.
Very best regards;
Bob Finch