On September 9, 2018 10:00:03 PM GMT+02:00, Leonid Isaev via arch-general <arch-general@archlinux.org> wrote:
On Sun, Sep 09, 2018 at 02:53:04PM -0400, Eli Schwartz via arch-general wrote:
Heftig retracted his initial willingness to enable apparmor because he did not think it useful enough without the userland tools. It wasn't rejected because we hate the idea or consider it not Arch-like... it was rejected because on its own, it could be considered not-important-enough to warrant enabling.
FWIW, I actually agree with #59733: CONFIG_AUDIT=n was blocking AppArmor adoption... Perhaps relevant: https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2017/08/msg00090.html .
But I have a question: why was AUDIT enabled in the first place? I thought it was cosidered useless?
Cheers, L.
FYI, I'm currently working on bringing the user space tools to [community], but the rule sets will require testing and possibly we'll even have to have our own set shipped with the package. I'll let you know asap. As a side note: As Eli already pointed out there is no need for personal attacks because of a discussion on this topic. We'll try to make this ship sail, but it needs time (and testing). Best, David -- https://sleepmap.de