This is something I wanted to ask too, cause I'm dealing with wacom-drivers package - and there I have an updated version of standard module. For now I use /lib/modules/3.1.*-*-ARCH/updates for this purpose and it works, but there is no /lib/modules/updates-3.1/ so users need to rebuild after every minor version. I though, that since in depmod.d there is file with search updates extramodules built-in I would be able to use extramodules-3.1 to override default kernel module, but it turned out it is not enough: [giniu@raven3 3.1.5-1-ARCH]$ pwd /lib/modules/3.1.5-1-ARCH [giniu@raven3 3.1.5-1-ARCH]$ find extramodules/ extramodules/ extramodules/wacom.ko extramodules/nvidia.ko.gz extramodules/version extramodules/wacom_w8001.ko [giniu@raven3 3.1.5-1-ARCH]$ modinfo wacom | head -n 1 filename: /lib/modules/3.1.5-1-ARCH/kernel/drivers/input/tablet/wacom.ko.gz as you see, it still uses default one (I performed depmod -a). So, is there any way to not only place new modules without requiring users to rebuild every time, but also update modules that way? I don't know if I missed something obvious, or something... anyone got it working? Andrzej.
/lib/modules/3.1.*-*-ARCH/extramodules rather than in /lib/modules/extramodules-3.1.*-*-ARCH
I would prefer the second one, because the first one is a symlink to the second one. So I guess the official path is the second one. And the second patch isn't changed with every minor kernel update.