Maybe you could try mailsync Regards, Victor 2011/12/12 Ralf Madorf <>
Hi :)
I suspect that offlineimap isn't what I need for the wanted task:
- to download emails from my providers server - to delete them from the server when the download is finished - to keep them on my computer, to get access to the emails from different Linux installs
So I won't sync between my provider's server and my computer, but I'll sync between several mailers on my computer.
I like to test offlineimap anyway.
There are two issues:
- the wanted language for my computer should be English, but the maildir directories always are generated in German. I never set anything, but the keyboard and the timezone to German, but first there wasn't a /etc/locale.conf, later I added this configuration file, but nothing changed [1]
- neither Evolution, nor Kmail are able to use the generated maildir, resp. Evolution doesn't show the tons of mails of the INBOX, but instead the few mails of a folder called Entw&APw-rfe [2] FWIW I also installed Mutt, but I'll use a MUA with a GUI.
[1] ################ ### 1. SETUP ### ################
/etc/rc.conf LOCALE="en_US.UTF-8" DAEMON_LOCALE="no" HARDWARECLOCK="localtime" TIMEZONE="Europe/Berlin" KEYMAP="de-latin1"
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/keyboard.conf Option "XkbLayout" "de"
/etc/locale.conf No such file or directory
################ ### 2. SETUP ### ################
/etc/locale.conf LOCALE="en_US.UTF-8
I deleted .offlineimap and Maildir and set up a new Evolution accounds.
[2] ##################### ### offlineimaprc ### #####################
################################################## # General definitions ##################################################
metadata = ~/.offlineimap accounts = Spinymouse maxsyncaccounts = 1 ui = Blinkenlights
fsync = true
################################################## # Mailbox name recorder ##################################################
### First I tried with this and different settings for sep #enabled = no #filename = ~/Mutt/muttrc.mailboxes #header = "mailboxes " #peritem = "+%(accountname)s/%(foldername)s" #sep =############ #footer = "\n"
################################################## # Accounts ##################################################
[Account Spinymouse]
localrepository = Spinymouse-local remoterepository = Spinymouse-remote
[Repository Spinymouse-local]
type = Maildir localfolders = ~/Maildir sep = / restoreatime = no
[Repository Spinymouse-remote]
type = IMAP remotehost = ssl = yes remoteuser = maxconnections = 2 holdconnectionopen = no subscribedonly = no readonly = False