On 11/16/2011 02:51 PM, Bastien Dejean wrote:
I've added the following lines to my .bashrc:
case "$TERM" in rxvt*|xterm*) set -o functrace trap '[ -z "$BASH_SOURCE" ] && printf "%b" "\e]0;$BASH_COMMAND\a"' DEBUG >& /dev/null ;; esac
(It sets the current title of the current window according to the last ran command.)
But alas, it generates side effects, if I issue this:
ls "$(ls -1 | head -1)"
I get:
ls: cannot access foo.bar: No such file or directory
Strange or trivial?
I don't know much about parameter modifiers in bash, but in zsh this works for me: title () { 1=${(%)1} 1=${(V)1} 1=${(q)1} case $TERM in screen*) print -n "\ek$1\e\\" ;; linux) ;; *) print -n "\e]2;$1\a" ;; esac } The (%) modifier expands % escapes like in a prompt expansion (so %~ becomes the directory), (V) makes any special characters in the resulting words visible (so a newline becomes \n) and the (q) modifier quotes special characters with backslashes. Don't know if this may help you.