On 02/16/2012 07:13 PM, ianux wrote:
What's the difference between this syslog-ng.service file and the one from syslog-ng ? Beside the Alias line, you only duplicate the Sockets line which already exists.
Yeah, the duplication was an accident (might have happened out of frustration). My prior setup lacked the journal/syslog socket, so I thought that the service file was missing a Sockets= entry (reading the file might have helped ;-) ). The service file shipped with syslog-ng does the trick, as long as you point the config to journal/syslog. As for the Alias line, consider this comment from syslog.socket: # The default syslog implementation should make syslog.service a # symlink to itself, so that this socket activates the right actual # syslog service. # # Examples: # # /etc/systemd/system/syslog.service -> /lib/systemd/system/rsyslog.service # /etc/systemd/system/syslog.service -> /lib/systemd/system/syslog-ng.service # # Best way to achieve that is by adding this to your unit file # (i.e. to rsyslog.service or syslog-ng.service): # # [Install] # Alias=syslog.service