My point being, and I see your point, but there will be More people coming to this list who doesn't know about that rule, and forcing this upon users would imho be a painfull experience. Mailclients do this in different ways, and I don't think all old/new users will be taking it to their attention. But ofcourse, if we had a system for this which everybody followed, it would be great and alot easier too read follow-ups. -JK On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 8:30 PM, Xavier <> wrote:
Jon Kristian Nilsen wrote:
I blame email clients, not the poster.
I blame both. What's your point?
If you had to use a british car in France, on which side of the road would you drive? If you follow the rule, then you should to same here on this ML. If you don't, you die.