On Tue, 7 Aug 2018 22:55:55 -0400 Eli Schwartz via arch-general <arch-general@archlinux.org> wrote:
Because heftig decided it was easier *for him* to do it this way.
Because downloading 100 MB for every single patchlevel release quickly builds up to just as much as a full git clone.
Can you tell us why you believe the move to git was "a solution in search of a problem"?
I wonder if this isn't going to complicate my life maintaining the linux-rt kernel on AUR. So far I've tried to track the linux package closely, but I wonder what repercussions it will have. Many times it's also out of sync with the main distro kernel, but I always used to pick up the patches etc used by the main kernel. Oh well, nor really a complaint, let's see how it works out in practice. -- Joakim