On 5/29/18, Francesco Porro via arch-general <arch-general@archlinux.org> wrote:
You don't need to add my address since I'm subscribed to the mailing list :)
(it you do, and I hit reply, Kmail replys only to your email by default).
I think there's some confusion. I checked the mail you sent me, and the only recipient was my address, no list addres in either field. Therefore I assumed you mailed me directly, off-list, and so I didn't add back the list in my reply. Usually, when someone does this, it's considered off-list and meant to be private. It's better to miss the list than expose a potentially personal email to the public list. Anyway, let's focus on the topic.
Btw, today i'm going to try changing the scheduler to BFQ, even if I
Do not expect magical fixes. It may or may not help the I/O load that's affecting you.
found a workaround that avoid the baloo scheduler activating every 10 seconds: simply I changed the path where to save Konversation's logs to his .config dir (baloo doen't indexes dotted files o dirs).
Interesting. That sounds like a performance bug in the interaction of Konversation and Baloo. But it's still odd that Debian doesn't have this. I assume the KDE version tested was the same on the different distros.