On Tue, 10 Jul 2012 23:02:23 +0800, zhugehonghn wrote:
I set mutt+offlineimap receive my Gmail my .offlineimaprc is: /[general] ui = Blinkenlights accounts = GMail
[Account GMail] localrepository = Gmail-Local remoterepository = Gmail-Remote
[Repository Gmail-Local] type = Maildir localfolders = ~/Mails/Gmail
[Repository Gmail-Remote] type = Gmail keepalive = 30 realdelete = yes holdconnectionopen = yes remoteuser = zhugehonghn@gmail.com remotepass = NEWKMMLJM8UMJ7M cert_fingerprint=f3043dd689a2e7dddfbef82703a6c65ea9b634c1 #"[Gmail]/Some Folder" --> some_folder nametrans = lambda folder: re.sub('^inbox$', 'INBOX', re.sub(' +', '_', re.sub(r'.*/(.*)$', r'\1', folder).lower()))/
i can receive mail at first time,but it didn't work when i use "offlineimap -o" receive again and error output: /Folder 'drafts'[GMAIL-Remote] could not be created. Server responded: ('NO', ['[ALREADYEXISTS] Folder name conflicts with existing folder name. (Failure)'])/ how can i solve it???
Some advice: you should pay more attention when you copy/paste from configuration files, your password is still in the snippet.