On Sat, 2012-09-15 at 02:14 +0200, olli@coderkun.de wrote:
I made quite good experience with julius¹ ([AUR]²) and simon for the german language
Hi :) I compiled and installed Julius from http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=29210 and then I build Simon from https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=14718 , but I can't install it. Did you install Julius and Simon on the same Linux install? [spinymouse@archlinux simon]$ pacman -Qi julius Version : 4.2.1-1 Architecture : x86_64 [spinymouse@archlinux simon]$ grep arch= PKGBUILD arch=('x86_64') [spinymouse@archlinux simon]$ sudo pacman -U *xz Targets (1): simon-0.3.0-1 (1/1) checking package integrity (1/1) loading package files (1/1) checking for file conflicts error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files) simon: /usr/bin/adintool exists in filesystem simon: /usr/bin/dfa_minimize exists in filesystem simon: /usr/bin/mkfa exists in filesystem simon: /usr/include/julius/acconfig.h exists in filesystem simon: /usr/include/julius/[snip] simon: /usr/include/sent/adin.h exists in filesystem simon: /usr/include/sent/[snip] Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded. I'll read the Juliusbook http://sourceforge.jp/projects/julius/downloads/47534/Juliusbook-4.1.5.pdf/ , however could you please send an example command for listening to a mic by ALSA and to output the text to an editor? Regards, Ralf