On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 7:03 PM, Bernardo Barros <bernardobarros2@gmail.com> wrote:
anyone got problems with texlive 2011 usage so far?
I'm getting a problem with synctex, its don't work with tl 2011 for me, e.g.: ---------------2011-------------- % pdflatex -synctex=1 sample2e This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.3-1.40.12 (TeX Live 2011/Arch Linux) [...] SyncTeX written on sample2e.synctex.gz. Transcript written on sample2e.log. % synctex view -i 42:1:/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/sample2e.tex -o sample2e.pdf This is SyncTeX command line utility, version 1.2 SyncTeX ERROR: SyncTeX Error: Bad preamble ---------------2011-------------- But with 2010 I get: ---------------2010-------------- % pdflatex -synctex=1 sample2e This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.11 (TeX Live 2010/Arch Linux) [...] SyncTeX written on sample2e.synctex.gz. Transcript written on sample2e.log. % synctex view -i 42:1:/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/sample2e.tex -o sample2e.pdf This is SyncTeX command line utility, version 1.2 SyncTeX result begin Output:sample2e.pdf Page:1 x:386.784882 y:380.216461 h:133.768356 v:382.153625 W:343.711060 H:8.855677 before: offset:0 middle: after: Output:sample2e.pdf Page:1 x:179.069794 y:392.171631 h:133.768356 v:394.316345 W:343.711060 H:9.063227 before: offset:0 middle: after: SyncTeX result end ---------------2010-------------- I read (don't remember where) that synctex have a bug with gziped files that give the "Bad preamble" error, so if I gunzip the synctex file I get: ---------------2011-------------- % gunzip sample2e.synctex.gz % synctex view -i 42:1:/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/sample2e.tex -o sample2e.pdf This is SyncTeX command line utility, version 1.2 % ---------------2011-------------- i.e. no error but no output. Don't know if this is a packaging or upstream bug (or user bug =]), what you think? Thanks, Kazuo -- “The journey is more important than the destination—that’s part of life, if you only live for getting to the end, you’re almost always disappointed.” Donald E. Knuth