On 20 June 2010 03:53, Chris Brannon <cmbrannon@cox.net> wrote:
Jan Steffens <jan.steffens@gmail.com> writes:
Any comments are welcome.
I am willing to apply as a junior dev to get this done, should it be approved.
Your plan leaves me with a question. Here's a quote from that document:
TODO: - What about the neccessary kernel changes? 1. Blacklist snd-{pcm,mixer,seq}-oss (tto kill off ALSA's OSS emulation)
This is apparently the common cause of Flash or other applications hogging the audio device. Also happens when you run ALSA dmix, so it's not specific to PulseAudio.
2. Boot with soundcore.preclaim_oss=0 (required for osspd)
How will this affect people who don't wish to run PulseAudio? Can they still have their ALSA OSS emulation, or will they need to run PulseAudio for applications which still use OSS?
Could you cite a case or reproduction whereby via ALSA's dmix, an instance of Flash has reserved the output for itself? The last time that ever occured was before dmix got into mainline ALSA, where OSS was a valid output within Flash and there was a way to use 'aoss'. I don't know whether that remains to be the case, but it should not and I have not faced this issue for a long time. Now, PA has never sparked any interest in me, nor has it motivated me to find out even the bare essentials of what makes PulseAudio, PulseAudio. But if the common options are not going to be affected, then I'm willing to help out as well. -- GPG/PGP ID: B42DDCAD