On Sat, May 19, 2012 at 7:26 PM, martin kalcher <martin.kalcher@googlemail.com> wrote:
My suggestions
I wrote a simple python script that creates PKGBUILDs from the rubygems.org API. I wrote it just to figure out if this works, so its pretty straight forward and i dont want to publish it it yet. It worked quite nice - it can resolve dependencies and stuff like that - but there is one problem at the moment. The API does not provide any checksums for the gems, but i opened an feature request [0].
python script
Are you serious? A Python script for Ruby gems?! But seriously, a great idea and an even better scripting language choice.
With this script i could imagine two things.
Setting up a virtual AUR user, who handles all ruby-* packages. Then we create a rubygems account for this user, so we can create a custom rubygems feed for this user, with the gems we have in the AUR. Once a day a script checks the feed for updated gems and creates new PKGBUILDs, if needed. Pretty awesome! If it is possible to integrate this into the AUR, this would be my favorite solution. But i could imagine, that some of you will yell: 'This not what we consider KISS!'
And others will yell "Patches welcome." I always wanted to say that, therefore PATCHES WELCOME. But seriously, TUs/Developers/what-you-have are too lazy to do it themselves, and therefore you must learn PHP (can't call it a programming language, nor a scripting one, it's a PIECE OF SHIT), write appropriate code (good luck!), create a git-formatted patch and post it. Or find a better way to integrate it into the AUR. -- Kwpolska <http://kwpolska.tk> stop html mail | always bottom-post www.asciiribbon.org | www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote.html GPG KEY: 5EAAEA16 | Arch Linux x86_64, zsh, mutt, vim. # vim:set textwidth=70: