On 04/10/2018 07:05 PM, Jonathon Fernyhough wrote:
Much as I'm wary about raising this after last time... here goes. Really just putting this out there as a thing to consider if it's not already known about.
With 3.3.13, upstream introduced support for a system-wide default toprc, /etc/topdefaultrc [1]. This is their "recommended" way of setting sensible/usable/accessible defaults rather than the "all or nothing" --disable-modern-top.
I don't know what the specific implementation differences are between the two (e.g. whether topdefaultrc is compatible with/overrides --disable-modern-top) but it should provide an approach more "aligned to upstream". Coming up with a "sensible default", on the other hand, is likely to be more complicated...
(I've gone for an htop-like scheme with a nice green 'column heads', idle tasks off (i), Zero-Suppress on (0), for Manjaro [2].)
[1] https://gitlab.com/procps-ng/procps/commit/55a42ae040eaa19fd3089f56d98ccbde5... [2] https://github.com/manjaro/packages-core/blob/master/procps-ng/topdefaultrc
I have boxes from 2 - 16 cores. In the past, you get old top on anything 4-cores or less. You get modern-top on anything with more than 4-cores -- that's just nuts. At first I didn't care for the new top, now I'm quite happy with it, and in fact prefer it. Nothing more frustrating that what top you get being "like a box of chocolates". Two xterms open, one to an 8-core box shows new-top, one to a dual-core box show old-top -- that's nuts. The PKGBUILD change for rebuilds is simple, but we ought to have one or the other (modern preferred here, but I have nothing against someone else wanting the old top view available) If a simple config can make both happy - that seems like a no brainer. Otherwise, I'll keep using asp to grab the latest and fix it myself by removing the --disable-modern-top build option. # --disable-modern-top \ Consistency beats a 'box-of-chocolates' any day... -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.