23 Dec
23 Dec
7:24 p.m.
xorg-server should be removed from the depends. Here are packages still depending on xorg-xserver:
==> packages which depend on xorg-server: texlive-bin-2007.2-2 qgis-0.9.0-2 guarddog-2.6.0-1 grass-6.2.3-1 hacburn-0.3.5-3 xgl- perl-x11-protocol-0.56-2 nvidia-71xx-utils-71.86.01-1 nvidia-utils-100.14.19-2 [installed] catalyst-utils-7.11-1 nvidia-96xx-utils-96.43.01-1 Does it make sense to keep this depedency for all of them? For any of them? Thanks, Charly