Not sure what you mean by "top posting", but JAWOHL MEIN FUHRER!! On 2023年08月18日 07:20, Doug Newgard wrote:
On Fri, 18 Aug 2023 15:31:21 +0900 "lain." <> wrote:
Could you at the very least test it yourself unstead of just assuming it will "likely" not work? I wouldn't be doing it myself this way if it wouldn't work. The only time it won't find libraries is if you don't set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH approprietely: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/.local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH Again, we have .bashrc or .zshrc for that.
The other possibility is that header files are hardcoded to something like "#include </usr/include/stdio.h>" rather than "#include <stdio.h>", but you really have to be the dumbest developer on the face of the Earth to even do that.
And when it has to load images, icons, config files, etc? No, it's extremely unlikely to work. Do not do this.
And stop top posting.
-- lain.