On 13 July 2017 at 01:17, Mrrob <rob@mrrob.info> wrote:
On 13/07/17 07:09, mick howe via arch-general wrote:
I've just changed ISP and I can't get the changed configuration to stick.
I'm using 'static IP address - manual assignment' from Network configuration wiki page.
I need to change my address from to
using iproute2 tools as per wiki I can get everything working UNTIL I reboot, at which time some of the settings show the old values and others the new.
I've been manually configuring these settings without problems since I started using linux in 1994.
I assume that (as well as changing ISPs) you have changed your router and it has a different internal range to the old one.
If you have an IP address automatically after booting then something is bringing up the network automatically. Assuming your Arch install is newer than 2013 then I would expect you've configured netctl to manage the interface.
About april 2013 , can't remember details of what I did then but I would have used what was most like the the original method.
Look in /etc/netctl
[mick@cave ~]$ ls -aR /etc/netctl /etc/netctl: . .. examples hooks interfaces /etc/netctl/examples: . ethernet-static tunnel wireless-wpa .. macvlan-dhcp tuntap wireless-wpa-config bonding macvlan-static vlan-dhcp wireless-wpa-configsection bridge mobile_ppp vlan-static wireless-wpa-static ethernet-custom openvswitch wireless-open ethernet-dhcp pppoe wireless-wep /etc/netctl/hooks: . .. /etc/netctl/interfaces: . ..
$ systemctl list-unit-files --state=enabled
--- mrrob ---