8 Mar
8 Mar
6:12 p.m.
On Mon, 8 Mar 2010 22:33:16 +0530 Nilesh Govindarajan <lists@itech7.com> wrote:
So you want to do a templated installation something like that of kickstart availalbe in Fedora, Redhat and CentOS.
It is possible using Arch Installation Framework but it is under development and not meant for use in production.
aif is the installation software which is pretty stable and has officially replaced the old /arch/setup and /arch/quickinst scripts since august last year. (it also supports automated installations) it has however nothing to do with the actual creation of images. we (arch-releng) use the archiso tool to do that, there's also the unofficial archboot scripts which are meant for creation of lightweight, early-userspace-only images. Dieter