Roman Kyrylych a écrit :
2008/4/1, Maik Beckmann <>:
Am Dienstag 01 April 2008 09:58:12 schrieb waldek:
well, he did it. Polish was a bit too extreme so the peaceful fraction of "old timers" agreed to switch to German instead. More is coming...
German? Boooring!
What about one of these -
Then I vote for Toki Pona. :-D
Sorry guys, Arch originated in British Columbia, Canada, and as a contribution against the massive extinction of languages in this world, our distro is going to adopt one of the five Wakashan languages still spoken on the Vancouver Island: Vote is open to choose any one of these languages as our new official Archlingua: Nuu-chah-nulth/Nootka Kwakw’ala/Kwakiutl Haisla-Henaksiala Heiltsuk-Oowekyala Ditidaht/Nitinat Each of these has ca. 200 active speakers left [*]. Once the vote is settled, a dozen speakers of the chosen languages will be hired to train our Arch developers. A linguistic summer camp on Vancouver Island is also planned for next summer, so all of us can become proficient in the language. [* Source]