I learned it from https://linuxexpresso.wordpress.com/2010/05/09/disable-suspend-and-hibernate... .
It is different for Arch?
There isn't anything related under /etc/polkit-1 directory: $ sudo ls -R .: localauthority localauthority.conf.d nullbackend.conf.d
./localauthority: 10-vendor.d 20-org.d 30-site.d 50-local.d 90-mandatory.d
Copy the file you set suspend inactive in to the 50-local.d folder with a .pkla extension. Now I've gained root and checked. I used org.freedesktop.consolekit.pkla before I disabled polkit all together. Now I remember I did that ages ago in my install scripts before forgetting I had copied those in. Far from intuitive. Tom pointed me to the man page pklocalauthority more recently that explains the folders. That might save you picking through the bones when you want the meat. Unfortunately you can't get to the steak without reading the source. With sudo and RBAC all you deal with is self explanatory steak and without the stringy IPC too. -- ________________________________________________________ Why not do something good every day and install BOINC. ________________________________________________________