On Thu, Sep 04, 2014 at 05:14:27PM +0530, Anish Shankar wrote:
Hi, I have a dell 1564 laptop with an i5-M430 cpu, running arch linux. For a long while now I've had issues with very degraded CPU performance if my cpu temperature is very hot till around ~95 degree Celsius. The problem is that the degraded cpu performance stays inspite of cooling down back to 60 degrees, and even multiple suspend-resume cycles. The only way to reset the same is a reboot. I can't seem to track down the cause of this. The cpu frequency etc. look normal, all 4 vitual-cpu's are active from cpuinfo.
top reports nearly 5x increased % cpu usage for process compared to what they normally use. Some simple CPU benchmarks (N-Queens) also take approximately 5 times longer.
Given that, I would suspect (WAG incoming) that the CPU is scaling back the clock as an emergency measure. 95 degC is WAAAAY to hot for a CPU to be. You need to fix that issue first. If the cooling system is not behaving sensibly, you may need to do some manual overrides: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/fan_speed_control --Sean