i don't mind doing it again. the thing is even the iw package is not installed so i can't do anything.

will redo the exercise tonight as per your second suggestion.

On Mon, 13 Mar 2023, 3:34 pm Iván Zaera Avellón <ivan.zaera@posteo.net> wrote:
 > after install, my archlinux vm have no configured networking! why is

IINM the problem is that the configuration you made when installing was
saved to your RAM disk (the one that was loaded from the USB/CD).
However, when you boot after installation you are reading it from the
installed system (the one you mount at /mnt as per the installation

So, that's why it is unconfigured: the network settings are not
propagated from one system to another.

In fact, you could decide using different tools to configure the network
when installing and then when running the installed system. It's two
different systems of their  own.

 > how do i make sure that networking works after an installation?

One way is to configure again after first reboot. Another way could be
configuring the network again while in the installation chroot (for
example, if you run iwctl in the chroot, it will save the correct WiFi
password to the chroot's /var/lib/..... path). I have not tested the
second method, though. Don't know if it could lead to any issue.