On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 15:32:35 -0500, Kyle wrote:
I can see a whole lot of other explicitly installed packages as well as packages that are installed as build dependencies that would also be removed using this method, which is unacceptable at least on my system.
If you don't want packages to be removed by the given command, install them explicitly. Or better, write a meta-package that keeps them in as a dependency (so you also know *why* they are installed, and makes system housekeeping easier in general). Something like: pkgname='foobar-depends' pkgver=2018.02.14 pkgrel=1 arch=(any) pkgdesc='Dependencies for fooing bars from baz' package() { depends=(git meson libpng12 sl) } This way you know that e.g. libpng12 is installed on your system because you occasionally like to foo some bars from baz. Best, Tinu