Felipe--if I may address you by your first name--in case you're confused about why no one will listen to your arguments, let me try to explain; it may reduce your frustration. You made the following two statements without any evidence or even any suggestion that you care about evidence:
But supposing there was something before, I'm sure the people that made the transition did it in a responsible manner trying hard not to break anything. ... I can probably point to dozens of problems that systemd has that initscripts doesn't (today). That's enough reason to hold on the move.
Additionally, your tendency to overgeneralize leads to such FUD as:
What's the purpose of a distro that doesn't even work?
Your only rational arguments have been nitpicks such as your recent response to Sven-Hendrik Haase, which I will not quote here. So, you are aggravating those who will bother to respond to you, but not really providing compelling arguments for those who are looking for a helpful discussion. I stayed out of this thread until I just couldn't take any more of your nonsense. At least, though, no one can accuse you of straying from the topic, since this entire thread began with a huge steaming pile of FUD- loaded question-begging tripe. I would say I don't mean to pick on you, but you're really annoying, and I wish you would stop posting until you have something to contribute to the discussion, or at the very, very least, point out some problem with systemd that stems from systemd itself and not a perceived problem that exists only because it is different than what you have right now. --Andrew Hills