On 26/01/10 02:15, Joerg Schilling wrote:
The FSF does not own any code in cdrtools and the FSF does not publish cdrtools, so it is obvious that the FSF is irrelevant for your discussion.
Really? I thought the discussion was whether your code with its license is legally allowed to link to GPL code. Given the FSF is the authority on the GPL, I thought it was relevant to the discussion. But now you have said otherwise so I must be wrong... </sarcasm> You have a vested interest in the software and Sun has a vested interest in the CDDL. Neither of you are really unbiased in this issue so I will continue to down-weight your enthusiast opinions accordingly. Similarly, the FSF has an vested interest in the GPL, and their opinion should be down-weighted too. The multiplier I chose for all this down-weighting is zero. Unfortunately, on this issue, no-one I would consider roughly unbiased has looked into it. Thus, I am left with no opinions to listen to. I am left to conclude that my best course of action is to take what is the lowest risk and not distribute cdrtools. Unless someone can point me to a source of information whose opinion is worth listening to. Allan