2012/6/16 Vladimir Lomov <lomov.vl@gmail.com>
Don't know the basics ? Just using linux since christmas 2004...
I'm sorry, if you think I insult you. But I wouldn't mess the basics
No problems at all.
knownledge with experience. You have to experiment and try to know something new, always.
I do agree. But I think it is cleaner to reboot your linux if some modules are modified, and of course if kernel is upgraded.
The last time I really need to reboot after graphics driver update was when I updated kernel too (actually I updated kernel several times without rebooting before I updated the NVIDA driver and reboot).
Rebooting is sometimes the cleanest and the better way to be sure modules are correctly loaded.
If restrict the subject only to kernel and its modules then yes, it is, IMHO, the only sane way to deal with modules.
Even if I am a "long time" linux user, I try to reboot only when it is needed. But for nvidia (or radeon) drivers and udev changes, reboot is the simplest and cleanest way to act ;)
IMHO, the minimal steps to use new NVIDIA driver are 1. shutdown X system; 2. logout as usual user and login as root; 3. unload nvidia (kernel) module; 4. load new nvidia (kernel) module; 5. start X system.
Well, it could be a solution, but a reboot is quicker and less hard to set up.
See my other message in the thread.
P.S. I don't like to reboot my desktop without serious reasone (it runs like a server and, it is a secret, I'm using rtorrent on it :).
I understand. I only have a "normal" desktop computer. And rtorrent ? Well :D
--- WBR, Vladimir Lomov
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