I agree, too. If it should be only for Arch Linux users, we can add a validation question like the one in the forum's log in page. It might be random between a couple questions so add another layer to prevent misuse.

1 Eyl 2024 Paz 14:12 tarihinde Óscar García Amor <ogarcia@moire.org> şunu yazdı:
El dom, 01-09-2024 a las 12:41 +0200, Jelle van der Waa escribió:
> For users there are plenty of pastebin alternatives, for staff we can
> use md.archlinux.org to share notes, pastes. Regarding abuse, see for
> example what 0x0.st does against detecting awful nsfw content
> https://git.0x0.st/mia/0x0

I couldn't agree more.

Personally I have experience in maintaining a public instance of
"pastes" with my own development called lesma[1] (source code[2]). If
you want some advice, don't do it. 99% of the "pastes" are straight up
junk, spam, links to websites selling “dubious products” and other

If you want to have it operational, authentication is required and only
for internal use. Something public is a pain because unfortunately
there are many people who do not respect.


[1]: https://lesma.eu
[2]: https://gitlab.com/ogarcia/lesma

Óscar García Amor | ogarcia at moire.org | http://ogarcia.me